iNova DSLR E-Books

I think these are some of the best manuals/instruction books available for any photographer, advanced or beginner. The content is stunning, easy to use, and uses Acrobat technology to show you in much greater detail and interactivity how to utilize your camera. They are available for the Nikon D70, D80, D200 (soon D40) and the Canon 350 and 20. Get up to speed much faster without dealing with a OEM manual written in 4 languages, none of which you speak!
They include both high and low rez files, a printed instruction book, plus 624 iNovaFX Actions, that are in themselves enough to pay for the cd.
The DSLR series of eBooks was born of a necessity. The majority of photography books are basics, expansions on manuals, dry, procedural, technical and generalized. As a group, they don't give you the understanding and immediate tools to better your images with your particular camera and lens, highlighting the unique opportunities, qualities, controls, menu items and synergistic combinations that were there for you, if only you had known.
What we really need is a knowledgeable friend looking over our shoulders as we shoot, advising, chiding, challenging and bantering in creative ways, but after some research, we found that providing this as a service would be cost-prohibitive. So we made digital photography's first eBooks.
Photography can be technical. Pixels and photons, hyperfocal distance and guide numbers. It's enough to make you scream. But all that stuff is worth knowing about -- or skimming through -- so we make sure it's in there in a form that is easy to digest, or dig into if you feel like a meal. Animated examples, interactive illustrations and embedded movies bring the most opaque subjects into clarity. We feel it's our job to lift your eyebrows with interesting things on every page.
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