Optical Ocean Sales Has a New E-Commerce Website!
OpticalOceanSales.com has greatly expanded it's website with over 100 products being offered. Full Search is available, and all products have multiple larger photos and full product listings. You can Tell a Friend or Ask a Question for each product listing as well. Both Visa/MC and Paypal checkout are now available. I can now process your phone orders (800-359-1295) and take payments via fax or email. Look for more improvements in the coming months, including more bundles and discounts. Visit the new site today!
New OpticalOceanSales.com Lighting Systems!We've brought in a whole new line of Trays, Handles; B&J Arms, Clamps, and much more. The products are high quality, machined, black-anodized aluminum. All are available individually, as well as in several packages, both with housings and strobes The parts are modular; you can expand them as your system grows. These are direct from the manufacturer and we've passed the savings on to you!